Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a vital aspect of a child’s education. Without the foundation of social, emotional, and behavioral learning in place, a child cannot expect to grow academically. At St. Mary’s, our social-emotional learning and teaching comes from our faith in Christ and our mission as a Catholic school. As a Catholic school, we have students who have a firm foundation in the faith, and as a result, have already learned many valuable lessons that prepare them for academic success and success in all areas of the curriculum. There are also a number of programs and resources we are able to use to support our students’ social-emotional learning. Please read on for information about some of these resources and partnerships that we offer at St. Mary’s.
Circle of Grace
The Diocese of Fall River has adopted the Circle of Grace program as a way “to educate and empower children and young people to actively participate in a safe environment for themselves and others.” The Circle of Grace program is a program dedicated to giving students a faith-based understanding about how to be safe in all aspects of their lives. Information is sent home annually to families about objectives, key concepts, and lesson topics for each grade.
GiveThx is a program that our students use in Grades 3-8 as a way to build and maintain positive relationships with one another through expressions of gratitude. Students and teachers give digital thank you notes to another person, thanking them for something specific and expressing how it made them feel. Students can tag virtues and values like Faith, Humor, Cooperation, Patience, Friendship, Responsibility, Caring, Encouragement, Kindness, Respect, and more.
The Institute for Responsible Online and Cellular Communication (IROC2) exists to promote the responsible use of technology and prevent digital abuse. Our students are “digital natives” - they were born into a technology rich world and know nothing different - we must prepare them to live in this world and be “informed, responsible, and caring citizens” as our school’s mission statement reads. By partnering with IROC2, St. Mary’s is able to host live events for students and families to learn about how to act and interact online. Resources are also available for our teachers and staff to use in classes and throughout the year to emphasize the concept of appropriate and safe digital communication.
In addition to these specific resources and programs, many of our teachers and staff have sought and continue to seek professional development and training in areas that support the social and emotional well-being of our students. Our teachers often prepare and deliver lessons within the general curriculum that address social and emotional needs as well as virtues and values of our Catholic faith. Our mission-driven teaching and learning, combined with our strategic partnerships and resources for social-emotional learning, make St. Mary’s a place where all students can receive a high-quality education in mind, body, and soul.